

The OPNsense project wants to be a project that is friendly for users, developers and partners. In this world with trademarks and copyright it is best to “keep things as simple as possible, but not simpler”. Below we pointed out the Licensing and Trademark rules we use.

Packages and ports

OPNsense includes various freely available software packages and ports. The current ports are listed in a file named ports.conf found in a directory with a version number here.

The authors of OPNsense would like to thank all contributors for their efforts.

Trademark policy

OPNsense is a trademark. If you wish to use the name or logo in any way, you must comply with this policy.

  1. The name and logo may be used to promote OPNsense based products or services.

  2. The name and logo may be used to promote or serve OPNsense or related projects and their communities.

  3. When using the logo on online media like websites, social media and apps the logo should link to

  4. You must request our permission to use derivatives of the name and/or logo at project @ prior to any use of the derivative name and/or logo, and we may grant or withhold permission to use the derivative name and/or logo in our sole discretion.

  5. You may not state or otherwise lead people to believe, that you represent the OPNsense project in any way other than as an individual or corporate contributor to the project.

The official OPNsense logo is available for download: OPNsense logo.

If you have any questions about this policy, its interpretation, or want to ask for permission please email project @