WireGuard Site-to-Site Setup


WireGuard is a simple and fast modern VPN. It aims to be faster and simpler than IPSec. It intends to be considerably more performant than OpenVPN. Initially released for the Linux kernel, it is now cross-platform and widely deployable. It is currently under heavy development.

Step 1 - Installation

Install the plugin as usual, refresh and page and the you will find the client via VPN ‣ WireGuard.

Step 2 - Setup WireGuard

The setup of a Site-2-Site VPN is very simple. Just go to tab Local and create a new instance. Give it a Name and set a desired Listen Port. If you have more than one service instance be aware that you can use the Listen Port only once. For Tunnel Address choose a new virtual network to run communication over it, just like with OpenVPN or GRE (e.g. Peers can not be chosen yet since we have not created them yet. After hitting Save changes you can reopen the newly created instance, write down your new public key and give it to the other side.

When this VPN is set up on OPNsense only do the same on the second machine and exchange the public keys. Now go to tab Endpoints and add the remote site, give it a Name, insert the Public Key and the Allowed IPs e.g., This will set the remote tunnel IP address (/32 is important when using multiple endpoints) and route via the tunnel. Endpoint Address is the public IP of the remote site and you can also set optionally the Endpoint Port, now hit Save changes.

Go back to tab Local, open the instance and choose the newly created endpoint in Peers.

Now we can Enable the VPN in tab General and go on with the setup.

Step 3 - Setup Firewall

On Firewall ‣ Rules add a new rule on your WAN interface allowing the port you set in your instance (Protocol UDP). You also have a new interface Wireguard in rules, where you can set granular rules on connections inside your tunnel.

Your tunnel is now up and running.

Step 4 - Routing networks

If you want to route your internal networks via this VPN just add the network in the field Allowed IPs in Endpoints tab (e.g.

That’s it!