Configure IPv6 Tunnel Broker

Original Author: Shawn Webb


OPNsense supports native IPv6 as well as tunneled IPv6. This article shows how to set up TunnelBroker, Hurricane Electric’s IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel, with OPNsense. If you’re based in the US and you use Netflix, you might not want to follow these instructions. Netflix now blocks TunnelBroker.

If you use IRC or need access to SMTP over the TunnelBroker connection, Hurricane Electric requires you to go through their free IPv6 certification process. Their “sage” level is the highest level and will allow you to enable IRC and SMTP. Note that your OPNsense firewall must be directly connected to the Internet. Being behind a NAT will not work.

The rest of this article assumes you already have a TunnelBroker account. If not, sign up and go through the free IPv6 certification process. Screenshots are provided throughout this article.


Enable ICMP on the WAN side of your OPNsense firewall. TunnelBroker’s UI will tell you an IP to use when you’re setting up your tunnel on their end.

Now add a tunnel. Make sure to add a routed /48 as we will need that to dish out individual /64 slices to each network. Once configured, your tunnel settings should look like this:


Step 1 - Add GIF tunnel

To configure OPNsense start with adding a new gif interface. Go to Interfaces ‣ Other Types ‣ GIF and click on Add in the upper tight corner of the form.

Use the following settings and copy in the IPv4&6 addresses from your TunnelBroker’s UI.

Parent interface


GIF remote address

Server IPv4 Address

GIF tunnel local address

Client IPv6 Address

GIF tunnel remote address

Server IPv6 Address/64

Route caching


ECN friendly behavior



Tunnel Broker


Step 2 - Configure the GIF tunnel as a new interface

The newly created GIF tunnel must now be assigned as a new interface. Go to Interfaces ‣ Assignments, select the GIF tunnel for New interface and click the + sign next to it.

Then under Interfaces ‣ [OPTX] (or Interfaces ‣ [TunnelBroker] depending on what you selected) check Enable Interface and change the description to e.g., TUNNELBROKER before hitting Save.

The newly created interface must now be set as the default IPv6 gateway under System ‣ Gateways ‣ Single by editing the new gateway entry TUNNELBROKER_TUNNELV6 and checking Upstream Gateway before saving.

Step 3 - Basic Firewall Rules

Now add basic firewall rules. Since I have a LAN network and a WLAN network, I allow WLAN to initiate connections to LAN, but not the other way around. I only have servers on LAN whereas most of my clients are on WLAN (Wireless LAN). I block all incoming to LAN and WLAN. Of course, outbound connections are fine.


Step 4 - Configure LAN interface

Now configure your LAN interface. The static IPv6 address we’ll give it is a /64 address from your assigned /48. I won’t show the WLAN settings simply because it’s the very same. You’ll repeat the same process for further networks, but assigning the next interface a separate /64 address.


Step 5 - Configure DHCPv6 SLAAC

We’ll next configure OPNsense for Stateless Address Auto Configuration (SLAAC). Go to Services ‣ Router Advertisements and choose an interface.

Set the Router Advertisements setting to Assisted and the Router Priority setting to Normal.


Save your settings.

Step 6 - Test your Configuration

You should now be set up for IPv6. To test your configuration, bring online an IPv6 machine, use your favorite tool to determine you have an IPv6 address. If you’re using SLAAC, it may take up to 30 seconds or more to get an IPv6 address. If you see that your interface has an IPv6 address, you can try going to an IPv6 only test site, such as