Orange France FTTP IPv4 & IPv6

Original Author: Kev Willers


This guide is for Orange France FTTP using DHCP to connect (this method currently excludes the users of the PRO package).

The guide deals with just the internet connection. Setting up of TV or Phone is not covered here.

Getting ready to make the connection

Orange requires that the WAN is configured over VLAN 832. So the first step is to set up the VLAN on the intended WAN nic as shown below


and the WAN interface assignment should hence look something like this


Configuring the WAN Interface

In order to establish the IPv4 and IPv6 connection Orange requires that the correct parameters are passed for the DHCP and DHCP6 requests respectively

select options DHCP and DHCPv6 in general configuration


On the DHCP request it is a requirement to pass the following:

  • dhcp-class-identifier “sagem”

  • user-class “+FSVDSL_livebox.Internet.softathome.Livebox3”

  • option-90 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:66:74:69:2f:65:77:74:FF:AB:XX:XX (hex conversion of the the userid supplied by Orange which looks like fti/xxxxxxx)


The eleven leading hex 00 pairs to be prefixed to the converted userID

These parameters should be passed as comma separated options in the ‘Send Options’ area of their WAN DHCP request



It is necessary to specify the following ‘Request Options’

  • subnet-mask

  • broadcast-address

  • dhcp-lease-time

  • dhcp-renewal-time

  • dhcp-rebinding-time

  • domain-search, routers

  • domain-name-servers

  • option-90

These parameters should be passed as comma separated options in the ‘Request Options’ area of their WAN DHCP request

Now for the regional specific part.

Some areas of France require that the DHCP and DHCP6 requests are made with a VLAN-PCP of 6. If you are in one of these regions then this can be done via the ‘Option Modifiers’.


The vlan-parent is the physical WAN interface - igb0, em0 etc.


On the DHCP6 request we need to use raw options

Firstly select ‘Advanced’ and your region needs a VLAN-PCP set it via ‘Use VLAN priority’


then add the following options in the ‘Send Options’ field

  • ia-pd 0

  • raw-option 6 00:0b:00:11:00:17:00:18

  • raw-option 15 00:2b:46:53:56:44:53:4c:5f:6c:69:76:65:62:6f:78:2e:49:6e:74:65:72:6e:65:74:2e:73:6f:66:74:61:74:68:6f:6d:65:2e:6c:69:76:65:62:6f:78:33

  • raw-option 16 00:00:04:0e:00:05:73:61:67:65:6d

  • raw-option 11 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:66:74:69:2f:65:77:74:FF:AB:XX:XX (hex conversion of the the userid supplied by Orange which looks like fti/xxxxxxx)


The eleven leading hex 00 pairs to be prefixed to the converted userID

Finally set the Identity Association and Prefix interface as shown


Click ‘Save’ and then ‘Apply’.

LAN Interface

Select Interfaces ‣ [LAN] and set IPv4 to “Static IPv4” and IPv6 Configuration Type to “Track Interface”.


Finally, set the Track IPv6 Interface to WAN and set the IPv4 address to your chosen address.


Click ‘Save’ and then ‘Apply’.

It is advisable at this point to reboot the system.